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About Us
The only authentic organization Registered & working at National Level for the Promotion, Development & Recognition of Electrohomoeopathy as a complete System of Medicine. This Web site is the only source of complete legal, scientific, Educational & Promotional information about Electrohomoeopathy. The Sources & the matter mentioned in this Website are approved by the world renowned organizations of Electrohomoeopathy. The Scientific wing of Electrohomoeopathy Development Organization promises you updates of the latest developments in the field.
EMA has a working team of all the eminent members in the Field of Electrohomoeopathy working, Researching & Developing the true Mattie remedies, The Authentic literature, Standardized Educational facilities & a support team for all legal problems of the Electrohomeopathy practitioners.
It provides support to all aspiring Doctors, Researchers, Educationalists & students for the development of the Field.
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Governing Body